Ask anyone in the Minerals Industry what the most important thing about underground mining is and they will all tell you the same thing; safety. Not production capability, workflow, or finding the most precious materials in the world.
Those working in the industry are the only ones that have an idea of the extreme environment employees are exposed to for extended periods of time underground. Those that don’t work in the industry simply don’t have an idea – out of sight, out of mind.
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Author: roobixops

While the world is not short of war zones, the talk for many years has been that the next major war will be fought over water. With a growing population and climate change a real issue, fresh drinking water is already scarce and becoming scarcer around the world. When it comes to practical solutions, there aren’t that many long-term options, except for the obvious: desalination. Now we say obvious because we have practically an unlimited amount of water in our oceans, which take up about 70% ...
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If computer geeks rule the world, then engineers build it. While technology might dominate today’s economy, it’s still good old bricks and mortar that allow us to work, travel and explore in comfort. Engineering has been pushing the boundaries of construction and development for hundreds, and in some cases, thousands, of years, and today is no different. We look at some extraordinary engineering projects that have transformed unbelievable visions into practical and functional reality.
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